This is already off to a good start. I am Magnus. 24 years old and my favorite color is black. Ok, the funny part done on with the questions.

What are you doing here and tell us who you really are?
It doesn't get more philosophical than that … I like this question. So let's start from the beginning. It took a long time until I found my way here at the studio. If I had known back then what to expect, I think I would have walked out of the front door smiling even more than I did. I was on the look out to fulfil my destiny, my passion, that which really grabs and drives me. I have tried out a lot, often fallen on my search for somewhere to work, but this time I think I have landed firmly on my feet.
Another thing though that has always kept me busy is learning to paint with acrylics, My Grandmother was a huge inspiration to me as she was the one who got me in to this. So what I can say is I am still discovering myself but I am very focused in finding my true self as a designer on this journey.

How did you come to work with Hyperfocus?
I had been looking for a very long time to find a team that I could connect with. People who have the same ambitions and desires in creativity as I do. I hoped to learn from the best, through Alex Meinhardt a teacher at the Design Factory Hamburg I found just that in the shape of Hyperfocus.
Thanks Alex and thanks to the Hyperfocus team for making that happen.
What's your style?
Right now I ma in to Swiss graphic design, Brutalism, typography and simple aesthetics. Saying a little with a lot gets me going a s a designer. I am still on my way though see we will see where my taste develops.

You working on anything big in the background?
You working on anything big in the background?
Oh yes! Actually two big things. One has just started, I am developing an app to support mental health concerns around social media over consumption. The second is a book I am designing where I interview people about their hopes, fears dreams and troubles. It will be an anonymous platform with the aim for people to relate to others going through the same things they are.

What made you fall in love with design?
Firstly acrylic painting but there after it has to be architecture. I have learnt as much as I can on this topic just from personal interest, sometimes I think I should pursue this too as a career.
Do you have any design heroes?
Heroes might be the wrong word. The internet makes it possible to reach and observe so many talented people. So there are many inspiring people and teams that are worth visiting and engaging with so it’s hard to say. I would just say it easy to reach out today to make connections and get inspired with everyone who inspires you.

Inspire a new generation of designers in one word?